Saturday, April 17, 2010

Homeowner's Fun

I live in an old house. It was built back in 1920 (I think). There is always something that needs to be done or worked on or something. We broke off the tub knob the other day. They are as old as the tub. So off we go to Home Depot yesterday to get replacement knobs. We come home with much more than that (that is another blog). Barry is in the bathroom now trying to change out the knobs. We haven't been able to completly turn off the hot water in the bathtub for months. The water department put a notice on our door one time that we needed to check for a leak. I knew where the leak was...the bathtub. Hopefully we won't have to return to Home Depot this morning for additional parts. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Break Blues

I admire stay-at-home moms. I discovered I was not one of those when Kennedy was a baby. I rediscovered that the summer Ty was born and I was home with two children instead of one. And I am reminded every break from school. I cannot complain, really. I have good children (for the most part.) Kennedy is very helpful and Ty is very demanding (most days). I am not a crafty mom or a very inventive mom who keeps craft kits and play dough laying around. As I am typing this blog, the kids are upstairs yelling at each other about whose turn it is to play Wii. Ah, the joys of motherhood. So, to all of you stay-at-mom's, hats off to you!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Someting New

So, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon of blogging. I keep up with so many people and what goes on in their lives through their blog. Why not let the world in on the craziness of the Kerr household? Spring is extremely crazy. Barry is the assistant baseball coach at Middleton. He is gone til bedtime most nights during baseball season. Both kids are playing Dixie Youth this year. So, we will be taking up residence at the Dixie Youth fields in a couple of weeks. School is going strong. I am in charge of Jr/Sr banquet (which is next weekend). Let's just say the next couple of weeks will be extremely busy!

I know this post is short, but we are off to softball practice!!!!